Go to repair

We will get rid of the "damn moments"

We've all experienced this before. The phone crashes, soaks or breaks, and jumps to all your important files, photos, contacts. You can't make calls, chat, listen to music. Live your life. Immediate elimination of such "damn moments" is our mission. Should we settle with yours? Should we repair your device?

Get to know our mission

How we fix?

With qualified service engineers
With qualified service engineers
With a short deadline of up to one hour
With a short deadline of up to one hour
With high quality parts stock
With high quality parts stock
With lifetime and price guarantee
With lifetime and price guarantee

What can we fix?

Select your device and plan money and time in advance
<span>What is</span> brand of your device?

What is brand of your device?

<span>What is</span> the type of your device?

What is the type of your device?

<span>What is</span> the problem?

What is the problem?


Door-to-door Service Courier

If you don't have time to come to us, then we'll go to you! About Service Courier »

Who we've already helped

  • Tibor Kasza

    Nowadays it is no longer a question whether a person is keeping almost their entire life on his phone. This is no different for me. Should there occur any problem with my iPhone, following my first desperate reaction, I am reassured that I know where they will be able to remedy the trouble. This place is Smart Clinic, where they can find a solution to every issue, and technicians are helpful and kind. I love that I always have free lots to park in front of the service, which is a big advantage when one rushes from one place to another.

    Tibor Kasza
  • Fördős Zé

    A few days ago while shooting a video, I dropped my phone and broke its screen. Since it was a necessity for me to be able to use it, it was important for someone to fix it VERY quickly. I called the Smart Clinic to see if they could do it now, they received it 15 minutes later and 30 minutes later the phone was faultless again.

    Fördős Zé
  • Bence Istenes

    Since I have virtually my entire life on my iPhone, it is indispensable both in my work and in my private life. So if I have a problem, it is important for me to get quick and professional help. At Smart Clinic, the guys were very professional and, even most important, everything happened in front of my eyes, so I knew my data were safe. A cheerful, helpful team, it is a good feeling to enter the store. They can solve everything and do all this in a kind way. I can only recommend it to everyone! Thank you!

    Bence Istenes
  • Nóra Ördög

    My friends call me a phone killer ... You can't list any damage that I have not caused to my poor devices: sooner or later everything that get into my hands will crack, lean, break, fall down or soak. Yet I love these devices! With passion and for real! That's why I have them so often in my hands. They are my family if my family can't be close. They're my work if I can finally leave the office. The news, my friends, the world. If they are not close to me, I feel strange, maybe I'm addicted, I don't know. Okay. If it is really needed, I can take 20 minutes 'off'. That is why I am grateful that here they are addressing our problems so quickly, simply and in a flawless way. Thank you!

    Nóra Ördög
  • Csobot Adél

    I can't even imagine my life without a phone! More precisely - without my iPhone. As I have said before me, I carry my life in it day in and day out, and so let’s face it, who is the same age as me and can imagine his life without posting messages, calls, selfies and say Facebook or Instagram? There wouldn't be many. Precision and reliability are important to me: I was able to experience both at Smart Clinic! Thank you to me for re-enchanting the first iPhone of my life that I clung to with my nails! They really saved a life now...

    Csobot Adél
  • Balázs Klári

    I already paid a high price for not choosing the iPad case carefully. I just made sure it was nice, so in a careless moment my plane landed on the stone and of course its protective glass broke into a mist. By chance, I found the SENA Folio II iPad case, which is not only sleek, but secures it so securely, it almost hugs my machine that even the case described earlier can’t happen by accident. Wherever I turn around, they are praised everywhere for their wild red color, crocodile pattern and elegant shape. I feel like it was designed for me personally.

    Balázs Klári

The companies who we are the pit lane

Our business customers

To get the most out of a company, you need experienced professionals - both inside and outside the house. As well as work tools that work perfectly. We can help you with that. We will be the pit lane of your company so that work and communication don't stop.

Be the pit lane of our company »
  • AGCO Hungary Kft.
  • Aldi
  • Bayer Hungária Kft.
  • FHB Bank
  • MOL Zrt.
  • Hell Energy Magyarország Kft.
  • Karcher
  • MÁV Szolgáltató Központ Zrt.
  • Nestlé Hungária Kft.
  • OMW Hungária
  • Pannónia Ethanol Zrt.
  • Procam Kft.
  • Schindler Hungária Kft.
  • SSI Schafer
  • Würth Szereléstechnika Kft.
  • NMHH
  • Essity Hungary Kft.
  • Praktiker Kft.
  • Rufusz Computer Informatika Zrt.
  • Wienerberger Zrt.
  • Ekol Logistics Kft.

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