Smart Clinic PUG

Smart Clinic PUG

What is Smart Clinic PUG?

For our existing clients, we have created a closed and secret Facebook group called Smart Clinic PUG (Privat User Group), which is not available to everyone and not everyone can join. Many large service providers let go of their existing customers and give discounts only to new ones. Just think of any ISP. We think we should give it to those we've already received, because we think that is right.

Who can join?

Only people who have already used any of our services, ordered accessories from our webshop, or have already purchased anything in our stores can join.

How do I join a group?

The group can be reached at the following link: Smart Clinic PUG

IMPORTANT: when you submit your request, we will ask for the email address you used to use any of our services so we can check that only our existing clients can connect.

What are the benefits to joining? 

  •  be the first to know about our new services
  • whatever is your problem with your phone, it is guaranteed to get the usable information first here
  • continuous discounts for PUG members only
  • limited edition coupons
  • top products exclusively for PUG members
  • and lots of info

What are the disadvantages?

  • nothing :)
  • but if you don't like what you see, you can leave the group at any time

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