Address of Repair Center
1117 Budapest, Bölcső utca 11.
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In 2013, Smart Clinic was the first company in Hungary to implement after-warranty Apple service throughthe visual concept and on and off-line sales of iPhone accessories. In our shop, we offer to our customers a wide range of accessories for Apple and other Android devices.

Smart Clinic Bölcső

1117 Budapest, Bölcső utca 11.
Opening hours:
Monday 9:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 9:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 9:00 - 18:00
Thursday 9:00 - 18:00
Friday 9:00 - 18:00
Saturday 9:00 - 13:00
Sunday closed

Right in front of the service point, on the street. Parking spaces reserved for customers, payment zone, HUF 300 / hour. Parking is free on weekends!

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Get to know our colleagues

They are our dedicated staff who work every day to help you get over your technical problems that prevent your life from going the normal wheel.

Norbi Service Manager
Gábor Sales Representative
Bence Technical customer coordinator
Bálint Service Technician (Level 2)
Márk Service Technician (Level 1)
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Would you work with us? Check our job offers

Insight behind the scenes

Allow us to show our service and colleagues at work in a few photos.

Operator of the Repair Center

Company: Line of Least Resistance Kft.
TAX number: 14490222-2-11
Company register: 11-09-014409
Headquarters address: 2870 Kisbér, Kincsem utca 26.

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