The Customer may enforce a warranty claim against the Service Provider in the event of the Service Provider's defective performance. In the case of a consumer contract, the Customer may enforce its warranty claims for defects that existed at the time of delivery of the product within a 2-year limitation period from the date of receipt. After the two-year limitation period, the Customer cannot enforce its warranty claims.
In the case of a non-consumer contract, the claimant may enforce his warranty claims within a one-year limitation period from the date of receipt.
Customer may request repair or replacement unless it is impossible for Customer to meet the Customer's choice or disproportionate additional cost to Service Provider332/5000If no repair or replacement has been requested by Customer, then Customer may request a pro-rata reduction of the consideration or the Customer may, at the expense of the Service Provider, repair, repair, or terminate the contract. There is no room for withdrawal due to a minor error.
Customer shall notify the Service Provider of the defect immediately, but no later than two months after the discovery of the defect.
Customer may enforce warranty claim directly against Service Provider.
Product warranties
In the event of a defect in the product, the purchaser may assert the right or warranty claim set forth in the preceding paragraphs.
However, the Customer shall not be entitled to enforce a Warranty and Product Warranty claim for the same defect simultaneously. However, if the Product Warranty Claim is effectively enforced, Customer may enforce its Product Warranty Claim for the replaced Product or repaired part against the Manufacturer.
As a Product Warranty Claim, Customer may only request repair or replacement of the defective Product. The defect of the product shall be proved by the Customer in the event of claiming a product warranty.
A product is defective if it does not meet the quality requirements applicable at the time of placing on the market or if it does not have the characteristics stated in the manufacturer's description.
Customer may enforce its Product Warranty Claim within two years of the product being placed on the market by the manufacturer. Upon expiry of that period, he shall lose his entitlement. Customer shall promptly notify the manufacturer of the defect, upon discovery of the defect. Any defect communicated within two months of the discovery of the defect shall be deemed to be communicated without delay. The consumer is liable for any damage resulting from delay in communication.
Customer may claim its product warranty against the manufacturer or distributor (Service Provider) of the movable.
The manufacturer, distributor (Service Provider) shall only be released from its product warranty obligation if it can prove that: the product was not manufactured or placed on the market in the course of its business, or the defect was not recognized at the time of placing it on the market, or the defect in the product results from the application of a legal or regulatory requirement.
The manufacturer, distributor (Service Provider) must prove one reason for the exemption.